Saturday, June 8, 2013

To Blog or not to Blog?

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. Today is DigitalFridayand I’m going to encourage you to think about blogging if you aren’t already.
Blogging requires a consistent time commitment and may not be right for ever brand. You have to create relevant content that resonates with your customers. Blogging for the sake of blogging isn’t going to add value if no one cares about the content or follows you. Here are my top 5 reasons to blog.
1) Continuously seeking new content keeps you on top of your game. Creating a blog and presenting it to your audience requires you to stay current and be an expert on your subject matter.
2) Blogging positions you as a content expert because people are following the blog and relyingon your information.
3) It creates an inbound marketing campaign. We’ve talked about the importance of thisin previous blogs. You are creating a presence on the internet and competing against other businesses that are also mounting inbound marketing campaigns. SEO loves blogs and the chance of customers discovering your work increase as you place more content online.
4) Blogs arevery useful tools in other ways as well. When I engage potential clients I often send them pertinent links from my own branding videos. The blogsbecome powerful salestool in my marketing tool kit.
5) You are able to engage your followers. They will comment, share likes and dislikes and you have the opportunity to respond and develop a relationship.
Blogging does create attention for your brand. The simple fact that you are reading this blog proves my point.

*This is an article from branding/marketing guy named Jim Glover but he really hits on the point of why you should be blogging.  

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ron,

    These 5 points are spot on! But especially that blog should contain good and valuable content. That way your readers will always want to come back for more.

    It's truly a great way too to establish your brand and leadership!

    Thanks for sharing,

